西涌海灘全長5公里,這里是珠三角地區水質最佳海域之一,也是水上運動愛好者眼中的沖浪圣地和起源地。驅車1個小時,找到西涌海灘入口不遠的平尚沖浪俱樂部(PINGUP SURF),俱樂部的阿超(英文名 Charles)教練就是記者金洪竹和外籍嘉賓Alya當天的私教。
Xichong Beach, with a total length of 5 kilometers, is one of the areas with the best water quality in the Pearl River Delta. In the eyes of Shenzhen water sports enthusiasts, it is also their holy land and the origin of surfing.
After an hour's drive to the PINGUP SURF, not far from the entrance to Xichong Beach, we find our coach Charles, who is the personal trainer for our reporter Kim and our international guest Alya.
西涌海灘是沖浪愛好者的樂園。(張宇杰 攝)
深圳新聞網記者金洪竹(左)和Alya沖浪前學習基本動作技巧。(張玲 攝)
沖浪區指示牌提醒,此處不可游泳。(張玲 攝)